Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE)

Monthly Journal for Mechanical and Civil Engineering

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

Experimental Investigations to Demonstrate the Influence of GGBS on Compressive Strength of Medium and High Strength Concrete

Author : Mallikarjun Hulagabali 1 R.Prabhakara 2

Date of Publication :25th May 2018

Abstract: Concrete is a widely-used material in the construction industry because it has naturally and easily available ingredients like cement aggregate and water. Production of cement creates the environmental problem like emission of CO2 in the production process of cement. So, there is serious need to find ways and means to reduce CO2 emission. To overcome this problem Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, which is a pozzolanic material can be used as a partial replacement to cement. In the present study, GGBS was replaced with cement to obtain the influence of GGBS in normal and high strength concrete on durability properties. Comparisons were made with the different percentage of replacements of GGBS for cement, which helped to arrive at the optimum percentage of replacement.

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