Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE)

Monthly Journal for Mechanical and Civil Engineering

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

Review on Parametric Study of High Rise Structure with respect to Positioning of Shear Walls

Author : Mohammad Sadique Ameen 1 Prachi P. Bagmare 2 Dr. N R Dhamge 3

Date of Publication :22nd March 2017

Abstract: High rise buildings are becoming need of today‘s situation with the population increasing day by day. A trend to high rise building is being seen in the developing cities of India to tackle the housing demand. The buildings become more and more susceptible to the lateral loads because of the wind and earthquake with increased height. Lateral loads can develop high stresses, produce sway movement or even may cause vibration in the structure. Therefore, it is very important for the structure to have sufficient strength against vertical loads together with adequate stiffness to resist lateral loads. Shear walls are among the most common lateral load resisting systems. The usefulness of the shear walls in the structural planning of the multistory buildings has long been recognized. But there are many factors such as placement of shear walls, its thickness, aspect ratio, plan of the building which affects the response of the building towards lateral loads. In the present study an attempt is made to study the effect of the position of shear walls on bending moment, shear force, axial force and torsional force. The detailed investigations are carried out for zone V of Seismic zones of India as per IS 1893 (part 1):2002, considering primary loads (dead, live and seismic loads) and their combinations with appropriate load factor using Staad-Pro.

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