Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE)

Monthly Journal for Mechanical and Civil Engineering

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

Construction of Integrated Farming Apartments Suitable For Islands and Areas with Limited Land Resources: A Case Study of Bonny Island Rivers State Nigeria

Author : Kelechi Uchenna Ugoji, Ibifiri Blessing Pollyn, Christopher Oko Agha, Ibim Abba Green

Date of Publication :8th May 2024

Abstract:The need to tackle the ever growing demands of food and engender a self sufficient environment that will meaningfully engage youths, maximize natural resources while contributing to the economy gave rise to this work. Animals and agricultural production are united in a single segmented unit that offers zero waste to the entire system. Birds are positioned to provide direct feed to a fish pond that will in turn supply nutrients to the grown crops. Land resource consumption in size is approximately one hundred by one and fifty (100 x 150) square meter of production area housing storage facility, staff unit; processing area, field etc., all designed to comfortably accommodate each unit including the sales area. The entire system is projected to yield not less than five hundred (500) birds, five hundred (500) fishes and not less than two (2) tons of agricultural produce. Various fields of study ranging from Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Biology, Economics, Architecture etc worked together to ensure the success of the project. Authors believe that reducing food Insecurity in any locality can contribute to economic growth as drivers of development notably human resources can only deliver optimality when working under healthy and sufficient food supply. Most Islands are limited in production of food because of access and other environmental conditions. Bonny Island is no exception as many sources of livelihood are shut down due to varying situations which include but not limited to terrain and oil related activities. This paper seeks to establish a low technology but unique Integrated Farm Apartment for the Production of Consumable Foods and ensure food security as well as reduce the burden of Importing daily foods into the Island through professional synergy of Engineering and related fields that can be affordable by average citizens of developing nations.

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