Author : Sudip Adhikari 1
Date of Publication :16th May 2017
Abstract: Detailed analysis of efficiency and pollutant emission characteristics of practical turbulent combus- tion devices using complex combustion kinetics often depend on the interactions between the chemistry of both gaseous species and soot, and turbulent flow char- acteristics. Modeling of such combustion system often requires the use of chemical kinetic mechanisms with hundreds of species and thousands of reactions. Per- fectly stirred reactors (PSR) are idealized reactor en- vironments, where the reacting species have high rate of stirring, and the combustion products are uniformly distributed inside the reactor. The fundamental equa- tions describing a PSR constitute systems of highly nonlinear algebraic equations, due to the complex rela- tionship between the net production rate of the species and the species concentration, which ultimately makes the equations stiff, and the solution of such equations become highly compute-intensive leading to the need for a efficient and robust solution algorithms. Graph- ics processing units (GPUs) have widely been used in the past as an effective alternative to central process- ing units (CPUs), and highly parallel threads of GPUs can be used in a efficient manner to improve the al- gorithm performance for speeding up the calculations. A highly parallelized GPU implementation is presented for a batched calculation of PSR model.
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