Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE)

Monthly Journal for Mechanical and Civil Engineering

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

Reference :

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    1. Alex L., Assih J., and Delmas Y. (2001), „Shear Strengthening of RC Beams with externally bonded CFRP sheets‟, Journal of Structural Engineering, 127(4), pp. 20516.
    2. Khalifa A, Gold WJ, Nanni A and Aziz A. (1998), „Contribution of externally bonded FRP to shear capacity of RC flexural members‟, Journal of Composites for Construction, 2, pp.195–201
    3. Mansur M. A. (1998), „Effect of openings on the Behaviour and Strength of RC Beams in Shear‟, Cement and Concrete Composites, 20, pp 477-486
    4. Balamuralikrishnan R., and Jeyasehar C. A. (2009), „Flexural behaviour of RC beams strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) fabrics‟, The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 3, pp 102-109.
    5. Chen J. F., and Teng J. G. (2003), „Shear capacity of FRP-strengthened RC beams: FRP debonding‟, Construction and Building Materials, 17, pp 27-41.
    6. Deifalla A., and Ghobarah A. (2010), „Strengthening RC T beams subjected combined torsion and shear using FRP fabrics: Experimental Study‟, Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, pp. 301-311.
    7. Pannirselvam N., Nagaradjane V., and Chandramouli K. (2009), „Strength behaviour of fiber reinforced polymer strengthened beam‟, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 4(9), pp. 1-12.
    8. Rabinovitch O. and Frostig Y. (2003), „Experimental and analytical comparison of RC beams strengthened with CFRP composites‟, Composites: Part B, 34, pp.663-677.
    9. Santhakumar R., Chandrasekaran E., and Dhanaraj R. (2004), „Analysis of Retrofitted concrete shear beams using Carbon fiber composites‟, Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 4, pp.66-74
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