Author : Mr. Jaganrajendran P 1
Date of Publication :21st June 2017
Abstract: In the last few decades there has been rapid increase in the glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP). For this study, Advantage Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) sheet was used during the tests, the FRP sheets are used for shear strengthening. Throughout this study, Advantage glass fiber was used manufactured by Owens corning. In this study M20 grade concrete was used and steel reinforcement Fe415 and cement used ordinary Portland cement. Totally Four reinforcement beam were cast of size 1800mmX100150mm. Out of three one beam was kept as control beam which is tested up to ultimate level. The remaining beams were strengthened using GFRP. Finally after the tests of the beams flexural strengthening study will be conducted and thus compared with experimental results
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