Author : Arunashanbhog 1
Date of Publication :17th May 2017
Abstract: It is one of the innovative concepts used in several industries, public areas for collecting waste and makes our place neat and clean and Our project titled DRY AND WET WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM will be the first ever idea to be implemented to segregate the waste product of daily households and the proper management of waste in large scale applications. The idea behind this can be implemented at the beginning stage of the of the infrastructure development plan, also after the construction of the buildings and plants. This is an automatically operated, so every persons can able to operate it easily, this process will take a vital role in all regions. By this process waste will be compressed automatically when it reaches a certain level and finally when it is filled we can open the door and remove at the certain place
Reference :
- Design data book-P.S.G.Tech.
- Machine tool design handbook –Central machine tool Institute, Bangalore.
- Strength of Materials-R.S.Kurmi
- Manufaturing Technology -M.Haslehurst.
- Design of machine elements- R.s.Kurumi