Author : Vinodkumar M A 1
Date of Publication :24th May 2017
Abstract: In this project, we are designing cycle for road cleaning machine, totally eco friendly & very cheap. We are attaching a brush in front of the cycle; we clean the road or street as the cycle move forward. The materials which are used in this project are easily available in the market. The parts can be easily replaces. These types of machine can be used in air port, industrial road, highways, parking, railways platform. No electricity is used in this machine by use of these types of machine we can easily clear the dust practical, animal waste, plastic bags. This machine is total based on mechanical & eco friendly. It types of machine are not costly; its maintenance is easy & very cheap. By use of this many uneducated people can get job. This machine used manpower to work. We are designing this machine eco friendly.
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