Author : Durai jagan 1
Date of Publication :16th May 2017
Abstract: The paper finds that tilting trikes inherit leaning and dynamic stability characteristics from bicycles and the potential for static stability from trikes. Tilting removes the need for a trike to be wide and low to stay stable during cornering. This can make the trikes more visible and acceptable from a car driver’s perspective compared to a standard, low recumbent trike. High-end tilting trikes can have hybrid (human / electric) drives and meet the need for comfortable, sheltered vehicles capable of taking luggage on long commutes. These expensive high end tilters are not widely available in Australia. Less complex tilters can be better-than
Reference :
- “Design of Machine Element” V.B. Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill, Third Edition.
- “Designdatabook”PSG, KalaikathirAchchagam, 1978 Edition.
- “Machine Design”, R.S. Khurmi & J.K. Gupta, S Chand& Company Ltd., Fourteen Edition.
- “Theory of Machines”, R.S. Khurmi & J.K.Gupta, S Chand & Company Ltd., Fourteen Edition.
- “Mechanical Engineering Design”, Shigley J.E and Mischlle C.K, Tata McGraw Hill.
- “Automobile Engineering”, Dr.KripalSingh, Vol 1 & 2, Standard Publication, 11th Edition