Author : Vivek Kevadiya 1
Date of Publication :24th January 2018
Abstract: This project report deals with study and development of village as a smart village. We define smart village as a bundle of services of which are delivered to its residents and businesses in an effective and efficient manner. “ Smart Village†is that modern energy access acts as a catalyst for development in education, health, security, productive enterprise, environment that in turns support further improvement in energy access. For the betterment of villages by providing the basic infrastructure facilities the development plan proposals are prepared for the village Kim from Olpad taluka of Surat district. In preparation of development plan proposals, the smart village guideline of Govt. of Gujarat is comprehended. The information perceived by the representatives and the individuals are considered in making the proposals. In this report, the discussion is about the necessary components of a village which are required to make it smart according to the guideline. Different proposals for the area are given after studying the current scenario and collecting socio-economic needs. According to the guideline smart issues are found out. Approach for the proposals considers steps including meetings with the village representatives, field visits, the study of existing scenario, household surveys, population forecasting, and Gap analysis with the NBC norms, approximate cost estimation and planning strategies. Village meetings are arranged and field visits are done to know about the basic village characteristics and their culture. Study of existing scenario is required to decide vision of the future planning. Household surveys are done to know about the public opinion about the existing facilities so that priorities of new proposals can be decided. Gap analysis is done on the basis of the projected population of 2021. So that lack of facilities can be found out and it helps to prioritize the proposals
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