Date of Publication :25th January 2018
Abstract: The transmission line is an integrated system consisting of conductor subsystem, ground wire subsystem and one subsystem for each category of the support structure. Mechanical supports of transmission line represent a significant portion of the cost of the line and they play an important role in the reliable power transmission. They are designed and constructed in the wide variety of shapes, types, sizes, configurations, and materials. In general, most towers may be idealized as statically determinate and analyzed for wind forces as per IS 875 part 3:1987. Revised code IS 875 is introduced in 2015. In revised code IS 875: Part 3-2015, loading and design parameters are changed. In this paper, the comparison of code IS 875: Part 2-1987 and EN 1991-1-4:2005 will be carried out.
Reference :
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- AlokDua, Mathias Clobes, Thomas Höbbel, VasantMatsagar “Dynamic Analysis of Overhead Transmission Lines under Turbulent Wind Loading”Open Journal of Civil Engineering,5, 359†371December 2015
- IS 875-Part 2 1987: Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) For Buildings And Structures, Part 3: wind Loads
- IS 875-3 (2015): Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures, Part 3: Wind Loads IS 802 (Part 1/sec 1):1995 Use of Structural Steel in Overhead transmission line towers Code of Practice Part 1 Materials, loads and Permissible Stresses
- IS 5613 (Part 2/sec 1):1985 code of practice for design, installation and maintenance of overhead power lines Part 2 lines above 11kv and upto and including 220 kv
- EN 1991-1-4-2005 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions Wind actions