Author : Akram Salim Pathan 1
Date of Publication :22nd February 2018
Abstract: Stormwater plays an important role in analysis, design and planning of stormwater drains in case of rapidly growing urbanization. The change in rainfall pattern and intensity is becoming a great concern for hydrologic engineers and planners. The rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves are commonly used in stormwater management and other engineering design applications across the world and these curves are developed based on historical rainfall time series data by fitting a theoretical probability distribution to extreme rainfall series. In recent years, it has been widely reorganized that the extreme precipitation events are increasing due to global climate change. In addition, due to population and property concentration in relatively small areas, the flood damage potential in urban areas is high and the extreme rainfall events are the main cause of urban floods. Therefore, it is important to study the climate change impacts on rainfall IDF curves of an urban area. In this study, with the help of five Global Climate(GCMs) simulations and ‘K’ Nearest Neighbor(KNN) weather generator-based downscaling method, the impacts of climate change on rainfall IDF curves of Shendra (DMIC) Aurangabad (MS), India are studied. Results of this study indicate that the climate change is increasing extreme rainfall events of Shendra (DMIC) Aurangabad. In addition, it is also observed that the return of period of an extreme rainfall of the Shendra (DMIC) Aurangabad is reducing.
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