Author : Gogoi Tapan Jyoti 1
Date of Publication :23rd March 2018
Abstract: The largest volume in oil industries comprise of Produced Water (PW) from oil fields. The water besides containing hydrocarbons in soluble, emulsified and free form, also is high in suspended and dissolved solids. Hydrocarbons are considered among the most harmful pollutants as they are lethal to human, animal and plant on direct consumption. Therefore the PW samples have to be treated before discharging it into the environment as it contains harmful constituents. Results showed that the PW samples had water content above 80% along with Oil and Grease (O&G), salinity, turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Ca, Fe, Na, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Pb and Zn. However the presence of Cr, Cu, Mo, and Ni have not been observed in the samples. These samples were treated with microfiltration and ultrafiltration in the continuous cross-flow cell. Most of the results after the treatment processes were found to be within range as per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India. However, the result of dissolved oxygen while treating with microfiltration was not found to be within range. Also, the treatment of oil and grease by both the treatment processes did not meet the specified range set by the pollution control board of India. Therefore further filtration has to be done to bring all the parameters within range.
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