Author : Balaji V 1
Date of Publication :25th May 2018
Abstract: The aim of this project is to develop a stair climbing vehicle by using some geared wheels of wheels. Nowadays some kinds of vehicles are available to carry the load but none of them are not able to climb the stairs and all, since the climbing is not possible they need to find someone for help, for this job stair climbing vehicle can be used. The stair climbing vehicle is a machine which can move by using two DC electric motor and which uses a combination of spur gear by using timing belts, mainly four configurations are there and these are connected to the body of the vehicle as like the ordinary vehicle, the right turn and left turn can be achieved by controlling the left and right motor, reverse can be achieved by the altering of electric supply to the motor. When the front end of the geared wheel is hit by stairs it will automatically get locked and get cl imbed to the next stair by the help of Timing Belts
Reference :
- Wheelchair ramp information, northeast rehabilitation health network, (2004) [online] Available: s.htm
- Wheel Oxford paper work Encyclopedia, oxford university press 1998