Author : Aruna Shanbog 1
Date of Publication :25th May 2018
Abstract: Scotch-yoke mechanism mainly used where the maximum discharge is needed. The main aim of our project is to increase the discharge of the pump.The Scotch-yoke mechanism lifts water from two sides so high output is obtained at less time.This kind of pumps is largely helpful in agricultural field.Motor capacity of 0.25hp is used to lift the water,when the motor starts rotating the pulley also starts rotating.Tje speed is maintained constant .The rotating motion of pulley is converted in to linear motion inside the cylinder this creates vaccum inside the cylinder, it helps to suck the water from the well.
Reference :
- R. Praveen Kumar et al. Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMET University, Chennai
- Theory of Machines by R.S Khurmi, J.K Gupta (First colour print edition)
- Fluid Mechanics by Dr. R.K Bansal, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi college of Engineering, Delhi.
- J. F. CADY, Journal on ECL-115-Design-of-a- ScotchYoke-Mechanism.