Author : Neethu Sukumaran 1
Date of Publication :18th April 2019
Abstract: Collapsible soil is one of the problematic soils in geotechnical engineering. They exhibit sudden volume change and loss of strength when inundated. The present study results experimental investigations on passive earth pressure on walls retaining reinforced collapsible soil. The objective of the study is to examine the effect of soil collapse on passive earth pressure in dry and wet conditions. A laboratory model prepared for determining the decrease in passive earth pressure upon wetting induced collapse of the backfill. The collapsible soil is reinforced with geotextile for increasing the passive earth pressure coefficient. The results indicate that the inclusion of geotextile helps to reduce the collapse potential and thereby increase passive earth pressure. The spacing of geotextile is also taken as a parameter. From the results it was found that as the spacing of geotextile is directly proportional to the collapse potential and inversely proportional to the passive earth pressure coefficient.
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