Author : E. Dayana Krishna Veni 1
Date of Publication :1st June 2020
Abstract: A seasonal variation of SO2,NO2,PM2.5,NH3,CO,OZONE and PM10 at one fixed monitoring site with in Hyderabad city. Now here we are calculating the limits of the taken parameters. The values are taken as per the permissible limits of CPCB .The values are to check and control the pollution .Hyderabad is a polluted city so the values are calculated at one station of the duration of three months the given values are taken by the help of CPCB This trend is almost same in one station, for the duration of three months from December to February.In rainy and winter season the air quality is less .By the satellite help the values are induced in the monitor by that monitor we collected values and plot the graphs. The minimum and maximum values of taken area are PM2.5 the least value is 10 μg /m3it is said to be as good and the highest value is 190 μg /m3it is moderate.PM10 the least value is 14 μg /m3 it is good and the highest value is 159 μg /m3it is moderate.NO2 the least value is 9 μg /m3it is good and the highest value is 86 μg /m3 it is satisfactory. NH3 the least value is 1 μg /m3 it is good and the highest value is 4 μg /m3 it is also good.SO2 the least value is 1 μg /m3 it is said to be as good and the highest value is 87 it is satisfactory.CO the least value is 9 μg /m3 it is good and the highest value is 97 μg /m3 it is satisfactory .OZONE the least value is 2 μg /m3 it is good and the highest value is 59 μg /m3 it is satisfactory. These limits are taken by the help of CPCB.
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