Author : Prof Whatte Abhinav 1
Date of Publication :13th August 2021
Abstract: In today world everything is going computerized and all the machines are brilliant and has higher efficiency than human. And in the long run machines are more profitable than humans. Today everyone uses gadgets and follow technology. In the dairy product world, India is the world’s biggest producer and consumer of dairy Milk production totals 140bn liters a year. But in milk dispersion it is found that in numerous regions people go to milk store, in the pinnacle time of morning and night which cost them their precious time. They have to wait in long line hanging tight for getting milk from milk man or milk store. And in this covid situation it is very hard to go buy milk, wait in line, and buy the milk. This present dissemination arrangement of the need to change due to taking some time in top occasions, thus to keep away from the above issue, here we propose a method to overcome above challenges and given a gadget framework. Customers mainly buys milk from or nearby milkman with cash. In this proposed framework work with RFID card based rather than genuine paper cash. The milk disseminated by distributing the gadget according to client milk necessities. The milk pouches will be dispersed by machine according to client milk necessities.
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