Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE)

Monthly Journal for Mechanical and Civil Engineering

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

Reference :

    1. Johnny F. Hill, V. Daniel Ochs “Model Rockets as Concept Models” School Science and Mathematics 74
    2. Kyle Foster, Peter Dohn, Nicholas LaPierre “Design and Integration of a High-Powered Model Rocket”, AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, January 2020
    3.  Nicolas Amato, Zachary Huamán, Alicea Hyland “Design, Analysis, and Test of a High-Powered Model Rocket”
    4.  William Brown, Michael Wiesneth, Thomas Faust, Andrew Tindell “Measured and simulated analysis of a model rocket”
    5.  Lukas Spannagl, Elias Hampp, Andrea Carron, Melanie N. Zeilinger “Design, Optimal Guidance and Control of a Low-cost Re-usable Electric Model Rocket”, March 2021
    6. Alexander Alvarez, Grace Gerhardt, Evan Kelly, John O‟Neil, Jackson Whitehouse “Design and Integration of a High-Powered Model Rocket-II”
    7. R.V. Nanditta, “Structural Design and Analysis of High-Powered Model Rockets”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) April 2021
    8. Jamie Waters, “Rocket Flight Path”, Undergraduate Journal of Mathematical Modeling One+Two, September 2014
    9.  William Brown, Michael Wiesneth, Thomas Faust, Andrew Tindell “Measured and simulated analysis of a model rocket”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, February 2018
    10. Danylo Malyuta, Xavier Collaud, Mikael Martins Gaspar, Nickolay Mullin “ACTIVE MODEL ROCKET STABILIZATION VIA COLD GAS THRUSTERS” January 2015
    11. Flávio S. Azevedo “Knowing the Stability of Model Rockets: A Study of Learning in Interest-Based Practices”, July 2013, Cognition and Instruction
    12. Gedlu Solomon, Yisehak Abreham “Analytical Calculation On Rocket Stability” January 2020 [13] Sean Fischbach, Joseph Majdalani, Gary Flandro, Jonathan French “Verification and Validation of Rocket Stability Integral Transformations”, 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, July 2005

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