Author : Khaja Azhar Ali Siddiqui 1
Date of Publication :2nd November 2022
Abstract: The greenhouse effect is tangible and aids to legalize the hotness of our earth. It is crucial for lifecycle on Ground and is one of Earth’s natural progressions. The green house effects took its appellation from the manners of green house. A conservatory’s glass consents shortwave emission to arrive nevertheless prohibits departing long wave radiation from withdrawing, warm air in greenhouse. Pollutants of the Refrigerants which are used in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning will produce the green house effect. All the Refrigerants which are used in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning will not affect the greenhouse, some of the Refrigerants will affect the greenhouse and some will not effect, based upon the physical and chemical properties of the Refrigerants used in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning plants.
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