Author : Ar. Pinki Bose 1
Date of Publication :2nd November 2022
Abstract: Fast-moving consumer content (FMCC) has the highest share of the market after e-commerce in India. Thereby, last mile delivery services (LMDS) are also increasing supporting the FMCC in the market through human services. But, human powered delivery faces many obstacles in urban context like traffic, pollution and physical distancing. These are urging towards a reform in LMDS strategies. Thus, this study is aimed to analyze alternate delivery services in the cities. The paper is aimed to explore the emerging drone industry for commercial activities in mixed use areas. The study is to devise frameworks and guidelines to accommodate drone delivery services(DDS) as a green technological approach. The research majorly focuses on integrating DDS with architecture and urban design framework. The focus of the study is the examine drone infrastructure in a qualitative manner with supporting literature studies of Amazon air, zomatao etc. The study includes the policy level support of various projects, their stakeholders, infrastructure and their technologies. The paper concludes with a framework at Urban and architectural level including the revisions in the policy. The main agenda of the research is to propose a DDS friendly neighborhoods through architectural and design frameworks.
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