Author : Md Aftabuzzaman 1
Date of Publication :20th November 2023
Abstract: A shift in the mode of learning and teaching delivery has occurred in the changing pedagogical landscape of the world. Online and blended learning have gained momentum due to evolving technologies and their capability to provide the flexibility of place or distance. Although online and traditional face-to-face mode of delivery share many fundamental aspects for both student and educator, there are significant differences between these modalities. Therefore, carefully considered pedagogical design and well-planned approaches are required instead of retrofitting online technologies in a traditional face-to-face classroom. The study presented the online application of a blended learning model and compared student learning experience between traditional face-to-face format and blending learning platform. The study results indicate no significant different between these those modes of delivery and concludes that online delivery with carefully considered pedagogical design approaches can maintain student engagement. However, further research is warranted.
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