Author : Manoj.T 1
Date of Publication :7th June 2016
Abstract: Energy has its own important role in building up the economy of a nation. Nowadays, the concern about the depletion of fossil fuels and the environmental effects caused due to various energy sources are getting more rated. As a part of it, researchers have started concentrating towards the renewable and especially on green energies. Among the various forms of renewable energy sources available, sea wave energy is a less concentrated area while comparing with that of the others of such kind and is because of high expenses related to that for harvesting energy from sea. Through this article, a new simple (Floating type) system for converting the energy from sea waves into electricity has been introduced. In this system, a specially attached part containing circular disc with unbalancing mass and permanent magnets capable of oscillating, plays a major role in energy conversion. This paper addresses the design, construction and working of such a simple, sea wave energy harvester.
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