Author : Madhukesha 1
Date of Publication :7th June 2016
Abstract: A Water system includes a reciprocating pump operated by pedaling power. The pump set and includes a housing in which a foot pedal and drive shaft rotate an eccentric pin rotating with the drive shaft moves a connecting rod which in turn causes push rod to move linearly. The pushrod extends into a pressure tight chamber formed above the rising main. A pump rod connected to the push-rod extends to the conventional plunger through verified motion. Here we use the foot pedal pump, powered by our legs instead of arms to lift the water from a depth range of seven meters. Throughout history human, energy has generally been applied through the use of the arms, hands, and back. With minor exceptions, it was only with the invention of the sliding-seat rowing shell, and particularly of the bicycle, that legs also began to be considered as a normal means of developing power from human muscles A person can generate four times more (1/4 horse power (hp)) by pedaling than by hand –cranking. At the rate of 1/4hp, continuous pedaling can be done for only short periods, about 10 minutes. However, pedaling at half this power (1/8 hp) can be sustained for around 60 minutes. The main use of pedal power today is still for bicycling at least in the high- power range (75 watts and above of mechanical power). In the lower-power range there are a number of use of pedal power for agriculture, construction, water pumping, and electrical generation that seem to be potentially advantages, at least when electrical or internalcombustion engine power is unavailable or very expensive.
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