Author : S.P.Atpadkar 1
Date of Publication :7th May 2016
Abstract: In the present days with globalization of Indian economy & introduction of multinationals in India for construction activities, it has become foremost to have speedy construction using new technologies & trends in construction equipments. Construction equipments play a vital role in making the project successful with respect to cost & duration required to complete it. Conventional methods viz. adopting manual handling of materials, excavation, hauling, loading & unloading cannot cope up with demand of infrastructural facilities with high degree of quality control & assurance thus extending the duration of project. Though conventional method proves to be economical but fails in providing required number of dwellings in time. Thus latest construction equipments with new technologies have eliminated these drawbacks thereby permitting speedy excavation, loading, unloading & hauling with reduction in time & labor cost. Thus it has become an important task to develop the automated services in this sector too whereby it will be covered by studying, classifying & detailing the construction equipments.
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