Author : Samarth Parameshwaraiah 1
Date of Publication :7th July 2016
Abstract: Solid waste management has been one of the neglected areas of urban management activities in India, in cities and towns hardly 50 per cent of the solid wastes generated are collected, transported and disposed off, giving rise to insanitary conditions and diseases. Efficient garbage collection, transportation and disposal are among the vital functions of Urban Local Bodies. Despite the fact that a large number of staff is employed by them to discharge this function and a substantial portion of their annual budget is spent only on garbage collection, transportation and disposal, the situation in towns and cities remains far from satisfactory, the issue of recycling of solid waste has not received due attention. With the solid waste generation with time, the importance of recycling needs to be recognized and given due importance. Waste landfills can cause both immediate environmental impacts through geotechnical-related failures as well as long term damage from leakage of unacceptable levels of contamination. Landfill design and operational practices can be used, sometimes in combination with Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) pre-treatment techniques, to control effectively landfill behaviour.
Reference :
- NIUA, 1995, Estimates of Resource Gap for Urban Services, A Brief Note Prepared for the Xth Central Finance Commission, Government of India, New Delhi.
- Planning Commission, Tenth Five Year Plan 2002 – 07, Volume I, II & III, Planning Commission, Government of India.
- Ministry of Urban Development (2000). Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management. Central Public Health & Environment Engineering Organization: Government of India. New Delhi
- Robinson, H.D., Grantham, (1987) The Treatment of Landfill Leachate in On-Site Aerated Lagoon Plants: Experience in Britain and Ireland, Wat. Res. Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 733- 747