Author : T.V.Anvesh 1
Date of Publication :7th September 2016
Abstract: Pervious Concrete also known as No-fines Concrete is a type of concrete from which fine aggregates are omitted and coarse aggregates are used, along with cement as a binder to hold aggregates together. Application of pervious concrete in pavements increases the demand in storm water control mostly in urban areas where scarcity of land is high. Implementation of Pervious Concrete Pavements (PCP) differs with Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) in mix proportion, strength parameters, and design considerations. The main objective of this study is to compare the properties of hardened pervious concrete with plain cement concrete and develop a strength and durable pervious concrete. Cement Aggregate ratio of 1:4 is used and properties such as Compressive Strength, Indirect tensile strength and Flexural strength tests were conducted by improving the mix by using Master Cast 1163 and Master Glenium Ace 8630. The principal advantages, major dis-advantages, principal applications in Indian conditions such as parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, road platforms, sub urban streets etc. are discussed.
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