Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE)

Monthly Journal for Mechanical and Civil Engineering

ISSN : 2456-1290 (Online)

Conservation Of Cement Strength

Author : Er. Vybhav Gupta 1 2

Date of Publication :7th November 2016

Abstract: Presentation of this paper has been concerned with the total usage of cement in India and wastage of cement strength. Key raw material for cement Manufacturing is limestone and it’s a non-renewal source of material. Same has been evaluated to draw attention of Indian Cement Industry, RMC and government concerns to come over this wastage of cement strength and suggesting measures to drive variation in cement quality& production of new cement products as per the usage of end customer.

Reference :

    1. Report published in “Global research Analysis- Ready mix concrete: An industry perspective on challenges & opportunities for growth.
    2. A.K. Jain and Dr Anuj Meheshwari, RMC Industry in India- Challenges & future outlook , 12th NCCBM Seminar on cement and building material, Nov 2011
    3.  “Energy efficiency and saving in the cement industry” report published in climate Tech Wiki, published in 2016
    4. Indian Brand Equity Foundation report published over “Indian Cement Industries Analysis and over view of cement industries” August 2015.
    5. PMF IAS notes for UPSC IAS topics on geography, Environment etc / Mica/Limestone/Non-metallic mineral in India.
    6. A report published in “business Mapsofindia about top 10 cement companies in India for update in July 2015
    7. Data from World Bank organization report for the “Rural population percentage of total population “ S
    8. Report of the working group on cement industry for XII five year plans (2012-2017) published by Department of Industrial policy and promotion ministry of commerce and industry (December 2011)
    9. Report of “Top 5 states that produce limestone in India” obtained from

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